.357 Magnum vs .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) – Eine ballistische Vergleichung

.357 Magnum vs .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) Ammo Comparison - Ballistics Info & Chart                            Caliber Ballistics Comparison            07 Dec, 2018            Posted By: Foundry Outdoors            
                                   The following ammunition cartridge ballistics information and chart can be used to approximately compare .357 Magnum vs .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) ammo rounds. Please note, the following information reflects the estimated average ballistics for each caliber and does not pertain to a particular manufacturer, bullet weight, or jacketing type. As such, the following is for comparative information purposes only and should not be used to make precise predictions of the trajectory, performance, or true ballistics of any particular .357 Magnum or .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) rounds for hunting, target shooting, plinking, or any other usage. The decision for which round is better for a given application should be made with complete information, and this article simply serves as a comparative guide, not the final say.

  For more detailed ballistics information please refer to the exact round in question or contact the manufacturer for the pertinent information. True .357 Magnum and .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) ballistics information can vary widely from the displayed information, and it is important to understand that the particular characteristics of a given round can make a substantive difference in its true performance.

              Caliber     Type     Velocity 
(fps)     Energy 
(ft-lb)       .357 Magnum     Handgun     1290     530       .45 Colt (LC Long Colt)     Handgun     1050     500    

[Click Here to Shop .357 Magnum Ammo]

 [Click Here to Shop .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) Ammo]


As illustrated in the chart, .357 Magnum rounds - on average - achieve a velocity of about 1290 feet per second (fps) while .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) rounds travel at a velocity of 1050 fps. To put this into perspective, a Boeing 737 commercial airliner travels at a cruising speed of 600 mph, or 880 fps. That is to say, .357 Magnum bullets travel 1.5 times the speed of a 737 airplane at cruising speed, while .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) bullets travel 1.2 times that same speed.

Various calibers


Furthermore, the muzzle energy of a .357 Magnum round averages out to 530 ft-lb, while a .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) round averages out to about 500 ft-lb. One way to think about this is as such: a foot-pound is a unit of energy equal to the amount of energy required to raise a weight of one pound a distance of one foot. So a .357 Magnum round exits the barrel with kinetic energy equal to the energy required for linear vertical displacement of 530 pounds through a one foot distance, while a .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) round exiting the barrel has energy equal to the amount required to displace 500 pounds over the same one foot distance. As a rule of thumb, when it comes to hunting, muzzle energy is what many hunters look at when deciding on what caliber of firearm / ammunition to select. Generally speaking, the higher the muzzle energy, the higher the stopping power.

 Again, the above is for comparative information purposes only, and you should consult the exact ballistics for the particular .357 Magnum or .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) cartridge you're looking at purchasing. 

[Buy .357 Magnum Ammo]

 [Buy .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) Ammo]

 Please click the above links to take a look at all of the .357 Magnum and .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) ammo we have in stock and ready to ship, and let us know any parting thoughts in the comment section below.

Foundry Outdoors is your trusted home for buying archery, camping, fishing, hunting, shooting sports, and outdoor gear online.

We offer cheap ammo and bulk ammo deals on the most popular ammo calibers. We have a variety of deals on Rifle Ammo, Handgun Ammo, Shotgun Ammo & Rimfire Ammo, as well as ammo for target practice, plinking, hunting, or shooting competitions. Our website lists special deals on 9mm Ammo, 10mm Ammo, 45-70 Ammo, 6.5 Creedmoor ammo,  300 Blackout Ammo, 10mm Ammo, 5.56 Ammo, Underwood Ammo, Buffalo Bore Ammo and more special deals on bulk ammo.

We offer a 100% Authenticity Guarantee on all products sold on our website. Please email us if you have questions about any of our product listings.         		
                                                                              2  Comments                                                             Delbert Busby      -  Aug 18, 2020

At what time do you expect to receieve 357 Mag lever action ammo, or 45LC lever action ammo either or both??  I am interested buying both in bulk quantities if the price is right!! If you can please let me know something as quick as you can..will probably be interested in some bulk 9 mm if the price is right.         Thank You 
                                                       Delbert Busby                                              Delbert. Busby       -  Aug 18, 2020

Interested in 45 LC 357mag and 9 mm. All in bulk ammo if price is right                                                                                                     Leave a comment

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Wenn es um die Wahl der richtigen Munition geht, spielen ballistische Informationen eine wichtige Rolle. In diesem Artikel werden wir die Unterschiede zwischen .357 Magnum und .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) Munition vergleichen.


Die durchschnittliche Geschwindigkeit einer .357 Magnum Patrone beträgt etwa 1290 Fuß pro Sekunde (fps), während .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) Patronen mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 1050 fps fliegen. Um das besser zu veranschaulichen: Ein kommerzieller Boeing 737 Flugzeug fliegt mit einer Reisegeschwindigkeit von 600 mph, was etwa 880 fps entspricht. Das heißt, .357 Magnum Kugeln bewegen sich mit 1,5-facher Geschwindigkeit eines Boeing 737 Flugzeugs, während .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) Kugeln mit 1,2-facher Geschwindigkeit fliegen.

Ballistische Vergleichung


Die Mündungsenergie einer .357 Magnum Patrone liegt im Durchschnitt bei 530 ft-lb, während eine .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) Patrone etwa 500 ft-lb erreicht. Eine Möglichkeit, dies zu verstehen, ist folgende: Ein Fuß-Pfund ist eine Einheit der Energie, die erforderlich ist, um ein Gewicht von einem Pfund über eine Entfernung von einem Fuß anzuheben. Eine .357 Magnum Patrone verlässt den Lauf mit einer kinetischen Energie, die ausreicht, um 530 Pfund über einen Fuß zu bewegen, während eine .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) Patrone die Energie hat, um 500 Pfund über die gleiche Distanz zu bewegen. Als Faustregel gilt: Je höher die Mündungsenergie, desto höher ist die Stoppwirkung.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die oben genannten Informationen nur für Vergleichszwecke dienen und Sie die genauen ballistischen Daten der jeweiligen .357 Magnum oder .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) Munition überprüfen sollten, die Sie kaufen möchten.

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Bei der Auswahl der richtigen Munition ist es wichtig, alle relevanten Informationen zu berücksichtigen. Wir hoffen, dass dieser Artikel Ihnen als vergleichender Leitfaden dient. Besuchen Sie gerne unsere Website, um unsere Auswahl an .357 Magnum und .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) Munition zu entdecken.

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