Anwalt Familienrecht Kassel – Experten finden!

Anwalt Familienrecht Kassel – Experten finden!

It’s no secret that family law matters can be incredibly difficult to navigate. From divorce and child custody issues to spousal support and adoption, the legal complexities can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s crucial to have a trusted and experienced family law attorney by your side. In Kassel, you’ll find a number of reputable family law specialists ready to guide you through these challenging times.

Unterhalt bei der Scheidung: Was müssen Sie bezahlen?

When it comes to getting a divorce, there are several important factors that need to be addressed, with one of the most significant being financial support. This not only includes child support but also spousal support. The legal guidelines for these matters can be found in the German maintenance law (Unterhaltsrecht). It’s essential to determine whether there is a valid claim for spousal support, which can include compensatory, separation, or child-rearing support. Additionally, if there are children involved, it’s necessary to calculate the amount of child support to be paid and whether the other parent can only afford to pay the minimum required. It’s important to note that both spousal and child support are typically calculated according to the Düsseldorf table. However, there are many other aspects to consider, particularly regarding child custody, visitation rights, and determining the child’s place of residence. Since divorce can have a profound impact on children, it may be wise to seek guidance from the Youth Welfare Office or an independent youth support organization. If you need to apply for advance child maintenance payments, this is also within the jurisdiction of the Youth Welfare Office.

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Findet eine scheidungsrechtliche Beratung Klarheit?

If you have legal questions regarding support payments, penalties, the validity of waiving support, or any other concerns, the best person to consult is a specialized family law attorney. In Kassel, you’ll find a number of attorneys who focus on family law. When seeking advice from a specialized attorney, they will provide answers to any outstanding questions, such as: How can I obtain full custody? When is a divorce due to exceptional hardship possible? What can be regulated in a marriage contract and a divorce settlement agreement? What is the equalization of pension entitlements? What does the community of accrued gains entail and what are the consequences? Who receives child benefit in case of a divorce? Who gets the car in a divorce?

After the consultation, if you decide to hire the attorney for your divorce, they will take care of all matters related to the divorce process, submit the divorce petition, and represent your rights in court during the divorce hearing. It is important to note that in Germany, legal representation is mandatory for divorce proceedings, meaning it is impossible to get divorced without an attorney. However, you do have the option to share an attorney with your spouse, significantly reducing the overall costs of the divorce. This, however, requires an amicable divorce.

Hat ein Fachanwalt für Familienrecht umfassendes Fachwissen?

A family law attorney in Kassel is not just your go-to person for divorce cases. They possess extensive knowledge in all areas of family law. For instance, they can provide guidance and assistance with issues surrounding paternity tests, paternity lawsuits, and the recognition of paternity. They can also offer insights on the rights associated with non-marital children, as well as the concept of parental duty of care. If you have questions about the latest legal regulations regarding sperm donation, they can help with that too. These are just a few examples of the questions that a family law attorney can address during a legal consultation. Additionally, they are well-versed in guardianship law and can provide legal representation in guardianship proceedings. They are also knowledgeable in adoption law and can offer advice and support to those seeking to adopt. If you are a foster parent and face the challenging task of reintegrating a foster child, a family law attorney can guide you through the necessary legal steps to ensure the child’s well-being and safety.

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With the help of a dedicated family law attorney in Kassel, you can confidently handle the complexities of family law matters. Their expertise and experience will provide you with the support you need during these challenging times. Remember, when it comes to family law, it’s essential to rely on trusted professionals who understand the nuances of the German legal system.