Saftiges Artisan Brot – Ein Stück Zuhause!

Artisan Bread (TUI Mein Schiff) | Bake to the roots

Do you like fresh bread? I guess you do – everybody does I assume. Just a slice of bread… still slightly warm from the oven with some butter and some sea salt flakes on top. The best! Ever! I don’t know why, but it gives me the feeling of “home” and makes me happy. And it tastes so good of course 😉

Well… this is your chance to experience all of that at home in your own kitchen. Make this Artisan Bread and guarantee your day will be a good day!

“Mein Schiff” Artisan Brot | Bake to the roots
“Mein Schiff” Artisan Brot | Bake to the roots

Ok… I am promising a lot here but only because I like this bread so much. The origin of this bread is actually a cruise ship. I was invited to check out a cruise ship from TUI Cruises called Mein Schiff 1* some time ago that’s where I had this kind of bread for the first time. I was so clever and asked for the recipe. I had to! 😉

Well… between “getting the recipe” and “getting the perfect loaf of bread” was quite some work. I needed several attempts to get the recipe from the ship working in my kitchen and with my oven. The first attempt was delicious but did not look that good because the crust was thick and was not really cracked as I wanted it and how the original bread looked like. It took me several weeks to finally come up with the right way to bake this bread… I mean I could have realized much earlier ’cause I already made bread that way… but this time it took very long 😉

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The “trick” for this bread is not a hot stone you can bake bread on – nope. The best way to bake this kind of bread is in a dutch oven or cocotte! I made several loaves of bread already with this method but did not think about it for this one in the beginning. Well… we had delicious bread for weeks. Not the most stunning looking ones, but delicious. Until now 😉

“Mein Schiff” Artisan Brot | Bake to the roots
“Mein Schiff” Artisan Brot | Bake to the roots

Ein paar Anmerkungen zum Brotbacken

  1. Die Konsistenz des Teigs ist zu Beginn ziemlich weich und klebrig – das ist völlig in Ordnung, mit der Zeit wird es besser.
  2. Verwende beim Bearbeiten des Teigs viel Mehl, damit er nicht an deinen Händen oder der Oberfläche kleben bleibt.
  3. Verwende einen kleinen Korb oder eine Schüssel, ausgelegt mit Leinen oder einem Küchentuch und etwas Mehl, um den Teig ordentlich aufgehen zu lassen.
  4. Besorge dir einen gusseisernen Topf oder eine Cocotte mit Deckel – so bekommst du eine schöne Kruste!

Nun, viel Spaß beim Brotbacken! Ich hoffe, deine Brote sehen genauso schön aus wie meine (ich liebe meine wirklich) 😉


“Mein Schiff” Artisan Brot | Bake to the roots
“Mein Schiff” Artisan Brot | Bake to the roots


“Mein Schiff” Artisan Brot | Bake to the roots

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The cruise was a trip for bloggers and people from the press – that’s why I have to declare this article as “Advertising/Werbung”. All I wrote in this article is still based on my own opinion and has not been affected by anybody 🙂