The Swedish Right of Public Access: Exploring the Freedom to Roam

The Swedish Right of Public Access: Exploring the Freedom to Roam

Have you ever dreamed of venturing into the beautiful Swedish countryside, setting up a cozy campfire, and soaking in the wonders of nature? Well, in Sweden, this dream can become a reality thanks to the “Allemansrätten” – the Right of Public Access. This unique Swedish concept allows everyone to roam freely in nature, but with certain responsibilities.

Fire Bans in Sweden and How to Stay Informed

While making fires is indeed permitted under the Right of Public Access, it is crucial to ensure safe conditions. To minimize the risk of forest fires, it is recommended to use designated barbecue areas and fireplaces, conveniently located in forests, by lakes, and along hiking trails. These designated spots offer a safer alternative to lighting a campfire directly on the ground.

It’s understandable for landowners to be anxious about campfires, given the unfortunate number of unintentional forest fires caused by them each year. In recent times, Sweden has experienced particularly dry and hot summers, leading to significant fire incidents. Hence, fire bans are frequently imposed during spring, summer, and autumn to prevent such disasters. These bans are issued by county administrative boards and the fire brigade. However, it is your responsibility to stay informed about when and where these bans are in effect.

How to Stay Updated on Fire Bans

Fortunately, there are multiple ways to access information about current fire risk levels. Most municipalities provide this information on their websites or at local tourist offices. Another reliable source is, a website managed by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. This website offers an interactive map indicating which municipalities, if any, currently have a temporary fire ban in place.

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It’s important to note that fire bans usually do not apply to residential areas where houses are closely situated. Thus, you can still enjoy barbecuing in your own garden, courtyards, and apartment block yards. However, if you plan to stay at a nature campsite or reside in a remote forest area, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the specific rules applicable to those areas.

During a fire ban, no fires, including those in purpose-built fireplaces, are permitted in open spaces.

Lighting a Fire Responsibly

When it comes to lighting a fire in the Swedish countryside, certain guidelines should be followed to ensure both safety and environmental conservation. Here are a few dos and don’ts:

  • The safest option is to use an existing campfire pit. Alternatively, you can create a new one, but remember to keep it small and well-contained.
  • Choose a spot for your campfire that poses no risk of spreading or damaging vegetation or the ground. Avoid areas with moss, peat bogs, and humus-rich forest soils, as fires are more likely to spread on these types of surfaces. Additionally, fire can smolder underground and rekindle later, causing further damage.
  • Never light fires on or near rocks, as the heat can cause them to crack.
  • Under the Right of Public Access, you are allowed to collect fallen twigs and pinecones for fuel. However, it is strictly prohibited to remove these from living trees, cut shrubs, or carve off the bark. Using fallen trees as firewood is also forbidden.
  • Different rules may apply in national parks and nature reserves, where total fire bans may be in effect. In some cases, purpose-made fireplaces might be available. Look for English informational signs posted on noticeboards in these areas.
  • Always keep a close eye on your fire and supervise it carefully. Remember to fully extinguish the fire before leaving the site. It is advisable to stay at least ten minutes after extinguishing the fire to ensure it is completely out.
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By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the Swedish freedom to roam responsibly while minimizing the risk of forest fires and respecting the natural environment.


Don’t you just love the feeling of being one with nature, enjoying the crackling of a campfire beneath the starry night sky? Now that you know the ins and outs of the Swedish Right of Public Access, go ahead and plan your next adventure with confidence!